
Standing on my own two


Standing like a boss. That's me. No support, no nothing. Only for a few seconds but that's a few seconds of freedom, a few seconds of pure independence.

I really feel I can stand up for myself now. Literally.

Waking the walk


I have this walker. It's not any kind of zombie, white walker or any other kind of mythical creature or undead being. It's just a truck with some blocks in. Sorry to disappoint.

Anyway the only reason I bring it up is that today I walked with it for the first time. A pretty fine achievement considering how rolly it is. It rolls all over the place and it's all I can do to keep up with it. But keep up I do, as I am pretty fantastic.

The only trouble is that I feel a bit like King Louis in the jungle book. When he reaches the top he has to stop and that's the same problem I face except I have to stop when I reach a wall or obstacle. Doesn't this thing have a reverse gear?

I'm a model, you know what I mean


Photo: Playing to the camera...

I had my beautiful photo taken again today. Well, the parents do that every day it's true. Nothing special there. This was done by a professional though. I feel like a superstar!

I wore my best duds and put on my best grins. I won't write any more; I'll just let the picture speak for itself... What a handsome fellow.

First day at nursery


Today I was cruelly abandoned in a place where all everyone does all day is play, eat and have fun. There are more toys than I have ever seen before and lots of other children having fun with me. It was positively awful... For the Parents. I loved it! What's not to love? Mummy and Daddy had to go to work and I played with all the other girls and boys and all the cool toys.

I have some lovely people looking after me too. Never before have I seen such a professional nappy changer.

You'd think that that was enough for one day wouldn't you? But no, I also got a new tooth today as well. Second tooth on the bottom left. I'm actually warming to the idea of more teeth, especially when they line up with teeth I already have. It's almost as if they were meant to work together!

A nice day for a white wedding


We all went to a family wedding today. You can't really beat it. I was in my best bib and tucker - the bib was so smart it even had a tie! I was incredibly good and I sat still for hours while everyone enjoyed their food. Of course I helped, I wasn't going to miss out on delicious wedding food.

Every table was provided with some epic bottles of bubbles which I thought were totally amazing. Why don't we have bubbles at every meal, hmm? Mum? Dad?

The speeches were particularly fantastic - I laughed in all the right places. I assume they were the right places anyway - everyone else was laughing.

It was quite a late night for me but missing out on a bit of sleep never really phased me. Bring on the next one! Maybe I'll be allowed my own glass of champers next time too...



I love to laugh. Everyone loves to laugh, right? Well so far I've been fairly reliant upon the Parents for my chuckles but no more! I can provide my own guffaws thank you very much.

What, I ask you, could be funnier than pushing my mobile across the floor of the bathroom and hearing it make a squeaking sound? Not much I would wager. I was yukking it up good and proper. Arf!

Virginia Water


We all bundled in the car today and emerged at a place called Virginia Water. We met up with the Parents' friends and one of my buddies called Phoebe. We had a fab picnic and then went for a stroll around the lake.

The best bit was when we stopped for a snack and all these dogs came bounding in and out their muddy paws all over the blanket! You should have seen the look on all the Parents' faces! Nothing wrong with a bit of mud, although they would probably tell you otherwise...

Sofa surfin'


Big day today. I went sofa surfing! For those of you not in the know, no it's not standing on the cushions and waving your arms in the air to the beach boys. Neither is it anything to do with the Internet. It's better than all of that. I stood up and using the sofa for balance propelled myself from one end to the other. Go me!

Also! I clapped. My hands. Together. Pretty amazing. Expect jubilant and spontaneous applause any time now.

And yet there is more! I was sick and tired of being told when to drink so I have taken matters into my own hands. I have now consented to using my sippy cup... Unaided. That's right. Both hands on and bottoms up. Well not quite bottoms up yet. That thing is heavy especially when you're not actually using both hands at all. If you don't think I'm doing it properly just consider this: which looks cooler - both hands or one hand? I'll answer that for you: it's one hand. Heaven forbid I shouldn't look cool.

Trying new things


Never let it be said that I don't like trying new things. I try new things all the time. My gastronomic range is quite exceptional.

That's why when faced with a brown squiggly thing I found on the ground the only sensible course of action was to put it in my mouth. If you don't try it you'll never know, that's what I always say.

And now I know. It tastes like dirt. It doesn't mean I won't try it again though - your tastes can change over time!

A step up


Ok so listen I maybe didn't give full disclosure on the post where I said I went up a full flight of stairs. I mean, yes I did technically go up them but I might have had a parent standing behind me catching me on the (very few) occasions the I might have slipped. Which really didn't happen very often.

ANYWAY. It doesn't matter now because I did it and I did it without the need to be caught. Good stuff, thanks parents - you don't need to follow me so closely any more. In fact, just finish your wine and I'll see you upstairs, OK? Good.